Frequently asked questions.
NOTICE: Please be aware that all transactions are processed by Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ using Stripe. If you see this on your bank statement, then please do not claim the charge was fraudulent. In addition, no refunds are provided unless the park cancels the program. No exceptions. Please contact us with any questions or concerns.
1. Where is IBSP located?
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 37
Seaside Park, NJ 08752
(732) 793-0506
GPS Coordinates
DMS 39° 54’ 18.98” N 74° 04′ 53.15″ W
Take Route 37 east to Route 35 south to park entrance. Get Directions
2. How much does it cost to get in the park?
Entrance fees are charged per vehicle from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day.
$10/Weekends & Holidays
$0/Walk-in & bicycles
$3/Walk-in at Fisherman’s Walkway
$3/Walk-in at Fisherman’s Walkway
* Entrance fee the day after Labor Day to the Friday before Memorial Day is $5/NJ Resident and $10/Non-Resident.
3. What are the hours?
The main gate of Island Beach State Park typically opens at 8 A.M. and closes at dusk. During summer weekends and holidays, from Memorial Day-weekend to Labor Day-weekend, the park opens at 7 A.M. Island Beach can get very crowded during the summer weekends and holidays. Park management considers the park full when all the parking spaces are occupied. Once this happens they do not let any more vehicles enter the park. This is a fairly common occurrence during summer weekends and holidays so be sure to plan accordingly.
4. Can I bring my pet?
Dogs are permitted in the park but must be kept on a leash that is a maximum length of six feet. They are not allowed on the swimming beach (the lifeguard area) during the summer season or on the Spizzle Creek Bird Blind Trail at any time. It is a good idea to check your dog for ticks after you take them on any of the other trails. Also do not leave your dog, or any other pet, unattended in the car during warm weather. If you are planning to spend hours in a part of the park where you cannot bring your dog, both you and your buddy will probably be much better off if you are able to leave your dog at home. Lastly, please clean up after your pet.
5. Can I have a fire?
Fires are permitted south of A2. Fires must be 50′ east of dunes.
6. What type of payment is accepted for programs?
We encourage program participants to pay register and pay online to ensure your attendance in the program.
7. How do I schedule a group tour?
To schedule a group tour, you can email Kelly Scott or call the Park office at 732-793-0506.
8. What activities are permitted in the Sedge Island Marine Conservation Zone?
Clamming, fishing, hunting, kayaking, canoeing, photography, and birding. Jet skis, wave runners and any other personal watercraft are prohibited inside SIMCZ. No commercial activity allowed. No dumping or littering.
9. Where can I swim? Surf? Scuba?
Approximately one mile of beach, located in the middle of the park, is managed for swimming. This beach is staffed by lifeguards for the first few weekends of the summer season, from Memorial Day weekend until the second Saturday in June. From the second mid-June Saturday through Labor Day the beach is staffed everyday, from 10am-6pm.Portions of the beach at the southernmost end of the swimming area in Island Beach State Park is set aside for sailboarding and surfing. If you want to know more details about where you can surf you can call the park office at 732-793-0506. Scuba diving is permitted in some areas of Island Beach State Park. Divers must register with park management prior to their first dive of the season. A valid diving certificate is required and divers are required to use the buddy system. Diving in and around Barnegat Inlet is controlled under New Jersey Boating Commission Special Regulations. These laws are posted at the State Police web site.
10. What should I do if I encounter a fox?
Photo by Ray Hennessy.
Please don’t feed the foxes.
Fox are wild animals and their behavior is unpredictable. Feeding wild animals encourages them to approach and rely on humans for food. Consequently, this decreases their ability to hunt and forage on their own, and weakens their ability to fight off diseases and predators. Please follow the posted signs throughout the park and do not feed the fox. In addition, for your safety and the safety of the fox, please do not block vehicular traffic and stay in your vehicle while viewing them. Parking lots and trails are provided throughout the park. Remember, you must stay at least 50 feet from wildlife!
11. What should I do if I see a marine mammal?
All marine mammal strandings should be reported to the Marine Mammal Stranding Center. The Marine Mammal Stranding Center (MMSC) is a private non-profit organization located in Brigantine, NJ, and is the only licensed facility in New Jersey to handle marine mammals. MMSC has responded to over 5,100 strandings of whales, dolphins, seals and sea turtles that have washed ashore over the years. If you see a marine mammal at IBSP, please call MMSC directly at 609-266-0538 or call the park office 732-793-0506.
12. What do I need to be able to drive on the beach?
You can drive a 4 wheel drive vehicle on the beach, with a valid permit, to gain access to areas of the park where you are allowed to surf fish. A three day permit for a NJ Resident is $75.00 and is $90.00 for a non-resident. It is valid for 72 hours, starting from midnight of the day of purchase. The number of three day permits that are issued is limited during the summer season. Annual permits for NJ residents are $195.00, and $225.00 for non-residents and are valid for one calendar year. They are valid from January 1 and run through December 31 regardless of the date of purchase. If you would like to learn more about driving a vehicle on the beach you should contact the New Jersey Beach Buggy Association.
13. Can I go camping on the beach?
There is no camping permitted in the Park.
14. Can I go horseback riding on the beach?
Recreational horseback riding is permitted ONLY on the southern 6 miles of ocean beach from October through April. Daily limits apply and reservations are required. Commercial riding is permitted with a Park management approved special use permit.