The IBSP Nature Program
What is Interpretation?
Interpretation is the process of providing each visitor an opportunity to personally connect with a place. We interpret for the visitor informally when we talk to them in the nature center or on the trail and formally when we give a program.
According to the National Park Service, “Interpretation is driven by a philosophy that charges interpreters (IBSP Staff and Volunteers) to help audiences (you) care about park resources so they might support the care for park resources. Interpretation establishes the value of preserving park resources by helping audiences discover the meanings and significance associated with those resources.
Register today for one of our many interpretive programs and see if you can personally connect with IBSP!
Interpreting Island Beach State Park
Island Beach is a narrow barrier island that stretches for 10 miles between the restless Atlantic Ocean and the historic Barnegat Bay. The park is broken up into three management areas:
Northern Natural Area
Recreation Area
Southern Natural Area
Extends from the gatehouse at the park entrance south to Swimming Area #1, a distance of three and one-third miles. This area contains excellent examples of fragile and rare maritime vegetation. Public access is limited to Two-Bit road, Reed’s Road transect and the Aeolium Trail. Surf fishing, birding, trail and beach walking are permitted activities. Swimming and and sunbathing are not permitted. Beach Buggies are not allowed in this area. This area is ideal for casual walks on the beach!
Interpretive programs in the Northern Natural Area:
-Beach, Birds, Biology
-IBSP History Hikes
-Shellfish Gardening 101 at the IBSP Marina
This zone extends from Swimming Area #1 approximately three miles south. The oceanfront beach area is open to visitors for swimming, shell collecting, sunbathing, picnicking, surfing, wind boarding and beach walking. The seining trail is across from the north pavilion. The ADA (American Disabilities Act) boardwalk that is known as Fisherman’s Walkway and Tices Shoal extends from the ocean to the bay. Fires on the beach are permitted in this zone (50 feet east of the primary dune). Thousands of boaters use this boardwalk to walk to the ocean.
Interpretive programs in the Recreation Area:
-Seining the Barnegat Bay
-Trail tales
-Surfing Safari
This area extends from parking area A-13 south to Barnegat Inlet, a distance of three miles. Fires on the beach are also permitted here (50 feet east of the primary dune). The Spizzle Creek Bird Observation Blind is located on the bay side between Parking Areas 19 and 20. Area 21 is the most popular kayak and canoe launch site. There is a solar wind-powered bathroom at the parking lot. Area 15 is also a launch site. Cars can park at this launch site. Visitors using canoes may want to use this launch site because of deeper water.
Interpretive programs in the Recreation Area:
-IBSP After Dark
-Sunset Kayak Tours
-Kayak Eco Tours
Along the edge of the Southern Natural Area lies the Sedge Islands Marine Conservation Zone!
See below for more info regarding this ecological treasure.
Sedge Islands Marine Conservation Zone(SIMCZ)
Did you know that Island Beach State Park is home to the first marine conservation zone in the State of New Jersey?
The Sedge Island Marine Conservation Zone was established in 2001 to:
Protect and manage an ecologically sensitive tidal marsh and shallow marine ecosystem.
Reduce the environmental impacts of personal watercraft and better manage wildlife, recreation and traditional uses.
Ensure that the ecological integrity and continued use by resident and migratory species, suitability of forage, spawning and breeding habitat, and population fitness are maintained in perpetuity.
Provide a unique learning environment for interpretation of the natural and cultural history of the Barnegat Bay.
The Sedge Island Marine Conservation Zone also allows the DEP and it’s partners to:
Conduct multi-disciplinary scientific research, monitoring and assessment to better understand and interpret the ecological dynamics of tidal marsh and shallow marine ecosystems, and associated species life history requirements with the objectives of protecting human health and welfare, biodiversity, coastal ecosystem function, the economic interests of the citizenry and to inform management decision-making by the NJDEP.
Manage access to sensitive areas and to reduce user conflicts.
Supplement existing statutes and regulations with new management techniques, and to protect biodiversity while allowing those uses that are consistent with the management objective of the conservation zone.
The Island Beach State Park Discovery Trails System provides a self-guided experience through the nine plant communities of a barrier island. Wayside exhibits located along each trail interpret the natural and cultural stories of the park. There are a total of 8 trails, each under one mile.
Horseback riding is permitted at Island Beach State Park from October 1 through April 30. There are six miles of ocean beach in the southern and central portions of the park available for equestrian use and a parking area is designated for horse trailers during this time period. Reservations are required by contacting the park office at (732) 793-0506.
Our Team
This program is run by some amazingly talented educational and administrative staff. Learn about the staff behind Island Beach Nature Programs.
When does the Park open? What are the fees? Can I bring my dog to Island Beach State Park? Can I camp at IBSP? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page to get all the answers to your questions!
We’re located at the southern tip of Island Beach, which is along the east coast of New Jersey in Ocean County. Our main office is located at the Forked River Interpretive Center inside Island Beach State Park. Click on the map below for directions.
Come Visit!
Interpretive & Nature Center
If you’re planning a trip to Island Beach State Park then you have to make sure to stop by and check out our awesome Nature Center! With live animals exhibits, it’s a great place to meet some of the local (wild) residents of IBSP!
Our Partners
Island Beach State Park Nature Programs is a unique partnership of government and non-profit organizations. We would not be where we are today without the support of our partners.
Our Photographers
Island Beach State Park is a beautiful place to visit. The pristine habitat and its inhabitants make for wonderful photography subjects. We’d like to thank all of the talented photographers, including Eric Hance, Ray Hennessy, Kevin Knutsen, Northside Jim, and Ray Yeager who contributed photos for this website.